Thursday, July 4, 2024


Having 12 puppies is rather all-consuming. But everything else continues on while they are playing, pooping, eating, and sleeping. Here's some of everything else from the last few days.

Wednesday morning it was nice enough early in the morning that I got Bailey out for our two mile walk at Pleasant Grove.

The garden continues to thrive, as long as I keep it watered daily.

The dobie mom, Padme, has moved inside and proven herself to be a wonderful dog. She wants to play with everyone and she's good in her crate. 

She plays with Bailey, 

and with Maze, 

and even with Bette, who isn't particularly interested in other dogs.

My water gardens are producing some blooms now too.

Water lilies

Lotus flower

Cardinal flowers

I took Bailey down to the river on a hot afternoon. She was NOT interested in getting in the water, although she sure doesn't mind getting wet when she plays with the water hose.

July 3rd was my birthday so I bought myself a new window unit air conditioner for the puppy shed. I installed it today, replacing an older, smaller one, and it made a big difference.

These pei puppies are so stinking cute.

I tried to get Lux to eat canned food off a spoon as I held it. 
Nope, she wasn't having it. I have to leave her alone with food to get her to eat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday!