Monday, July 8, 2024

Dash, our latest houseguest

Our summer camp for dogs is busy this year, and this month in particular. Bette and Maze are still with us and Dash arrived this past weekend for a week long stay. 

Like our other campers, Dash is a former foster. He was called Dasher when he arrived just before Christmas 2020. Dash was from a North Carolina shelter and arrived here by way of a flight from a private pilot. He was fostered and adopted through Promises Animal Rescue. Dash was less than a year old when he arrived and was a tiny thing compared to everyone else in our house. He was an easy foster and got adopted (to some friends of a friend) in January, 2021. 

When he arrived here on Sunday I had the impression that he had never been boarded and perhaps had never been away from home since he had been adopted. Since he was adopted during the Covid shutdown that's not unusual or surprising. Lots of folks are just now going on their first post-covid getaways. Dash was rather nervous and uncertain about things so I set him up in a crate in the kitchen next to Padme with the blanket they had brought with him. He had never been crated by his adopters so I wasn't sure how he would take it, but it was a safe secure place to observe from and he seemed quite content. He didn't eat the first night, but that's not unusual. 

By Monday morning his appetite was back and he seemed much more relaxed and comfortable in the house and with the other dogs. I don't know if he remembered me or not, and Della is the only dog we still have from his brief time here before his adoption. Dash is now settled in and seems quite comfortable. I expect he will enjoy his time here at camp but will be very happy to get back home next Sunday.

This is Dash when we first got him. He came wearing that purple harness.

Dash with his pilot upon their arrival in Charlottesville.

Meeting our dogs at home that first day.
Clockwise, starting from Dash in the center, is Theo, Arby, Della, and Serena.

And here he is meeting Maya.

We went to Lowe's.

This is Dash upon arrival yesterday. He has grown.

He was quite content in his crate that first night.

Today he was much more relaxed and came up to join us in the office.

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