Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Changing faces

We had a few days between doggie summer camp sessions, but not many. Bette went home today after being here for a month. She was overjoyed to see her person and I'm sure she's glad to be back to being the only dog in the house. She learned to get along here, and she was pretty attached to me, but I know she's happy to be back home. I took a few pictures of her this morning walking her around the yard on a leash and she's not exactly smiling. I hadn't had her on a leash since the very beginning, but the gate was open today so it was necessary. The pictures are nice enough but she looked 100% happier when her person arrived and they were headed home. She'll be back for a few days in August.

Bette's departure would have dropped us to 18, but her spot was filled even before she left, by Hux who arrived this morning. Hux is a temporary Green Dogs foster, just till Saturday, because his foster folks are going out of town for a few days. Hux is one of two Saint Bernard puppies who came along with that female that we had just overnight back when this hoard of dogs arrived from Oklahoma. He's cute, sweet, and very much a puppy. Bailey likes him and she will he his puppy sitter for the next few days. 

Two more campers arrive tomorrow, and one more on Saturday. Della had trouble getting up the stairs again last night. I started her back on carprofen. She was still having trouble this afternoon, not even bearing much weight on one hind leg, but this evening she bounded up and down the stairs several times seemingly without trouble. It may be too much laying around in one position all day due to the heat. I'm keeping her on the carprofen for a few days. I can't even bear to think of Della being unwell. 



He's not great on the stairs, but he's not afraid and comes down the best he can.

Bailey immediately recognized him as a potential playmate.

He was a little intimidated by her but soon learned to play. 

When Bailey took both of the toys he came and laid next to me in the kitchen.

Probably my last two cala lilies of the season.

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