Sunday, July 14, 2024

Dash goes home

Dash returned home today, bringing us down (temporarily) to 19 dogs. Dash was one of the easiest campers we've had, at least after the first day or two of settling in. 

I don't think Dash had ever been boarded before so he really had no way of knowing that his people would be back for him, or when. That's the way he seemed initially, like he had been dropped off or abandoned, but, being a dog, after a day observing things around here, he began to adapt and fit in. He followed me around everywhere I went, every trip up and down stairs, every time I walked outside for any reason. I only leashed him and crated him for the first day, after that he acted like he lived here. 

He seemed a bit surprised when his people came for him today. It was only when he got close enough to give them the sniff test that he really appeared to recognize them and be happy to see them. It was sort of like a kid being picked up from camp who wished he could stay a little longer. But he was glad to see them and I know he's glad to be back home tonight, hopefully with some fond memories of his stay with us.

I'm pretty sure Dash will be back sometime in the future, and he will come to realize that this is just a temporary stay and his family will return for him. The next group of campers begins arriving on Wednesday. Until then we are down to 19, which seemed like a breeze at feeding time this evening.


Paisley and Dash

On the bed under my desk.

Drinking out of a birdbath.

Exploring around the yard.

In the garden.

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