Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Meet the Shar-pei family

Yesterday we introduced the Dobermans, today it's the Shar-peis' turn. 


Maz (female):

Ketsu (female):

Galen (male):

This is why he's wet in all his pictures.

and Porkins (male): 

And here's a few random shots:

Ok, the pups are cute, sweet, and adorable. But I'm going to show you what the fucking puppy mill breeders won't show their customers. This is Lux, the mom. She must have been kept in a very small pen or box, she just paces back and forth when she's outside. Inside she tries to press herself into the smallest corner and stay as far away as possible from any human. She's not a biter, you can reach out and touch her, but you have to corner her first. This is why puppy mills and backyard breeders need to be shut down (and then hung, drawn, and quartered).

She's very small, thin, and sort of looks like a miniature hippo. And yet she seems to have a pretty sweet core wrapped in a whole lotta fear.


Anonymous said...

They are lucky to have landed with you.

Anonymous said...

So sad for mommy Lux! Just heartbreaking

Anonymous said...

Shar pei are amazing dogs but peculiar for sure! They are so lucky to have someone as patient as you. I’m sure momma is overwhelmed and slowly learning to trust. She will come around.