Friday, July 26, 2024

Keeping score

We started off with eight Doberman pups and their mother, Padme. Mom got adopted and one of the male pups, Jaro, went to a new home a week ago. Today a second pup, Nala, was adopted, leaving us with six.

I've finally learned their names and collar colors, although I realized today that I had mixed up two of the girls. The one I was calling Cara is actually Cordova, and vice versa. When they first arrived I wrote their names and collar colors on the chalkboard wall of the shed. I need to refer to it more often. 

I moved the dobie pups to the dog yard again this morning by leash, two at a time today, and it's getting better but still not easy. I hit on the solution when moving them back to Daneland for the night, luring them along with a big bowl of food. They all followed me like, well, like puppy dogs, and I rewarded them by spreading the food on the ground in Daneland once they were all back in. I plan to do that tomorrow morning as well. 

Nala's adopter came about 10:00 a.m. without knowing which pup she wanted, other than wanting a female. I wasn't at all surprised that Nala won her over because she's just so outgoing and friendly. She's fearless and a great explorer, which she demonstrated earlier this morning by venturing up onto Playstation K-9 and luring some of the other puppies up to join her.

This is Nala on the highest platform on the playstation.
She's still the only pup to venture up this far.

The name/sex/collar guide to the dobie pups

This is Rex wondering how to get up there.

This is Cordova, the pup I had been calling Cara. 
I just noticed the cruciform marking on her chest.

We had a decent play group going up here this morning.

The top of this platform was always Trooper's hangout spot. 

Nala on top, Cara one level down.

Nala is a smart girl. She will keep the adopters on their toes.

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