Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Walking dogs again

Temperatures have been slightly better the last day or two and I actually got out for both an early morning and an evening walk today. No one has been walking much lately so everyone wanted to go this morning. I took Della, Bailey, and Elvis. Three dogs sounds like a lot but these three are all pretty good walkers and I used a Gentle Leader on Bailey.

Bailey wanted to go again this evening, of course, but I was taking Norman and I'm still not quite confident in my ability to walk Norman and another dog. He and Bailey together would a lot of dog to handle if things went south. I put a nice leather harness on Norman, partly as backup but mostly because it looks nice on him. I used a Gentle Leader on him and he walked very nicely. We stopped and talked to a couple who were just about to start out on their walk and they both wanted to meet Norman. He was a perfect gentleman. 

This particular tree is a mandatory stopping point on every walk with Della.
I don't even bother trying to get her to walk past it any more.

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