Saturday, July 13, 2024

Steamy Saturday

The humidity must have been 100% thanks to the recent, much needed, rains, and there wasn't a breath of air moving, but it was early Saturday morning and Della wanted to go for a walk. I took Della and Bailey and we did our standard two mile walk at Pleasant Grove. Boring perhaps, but there were bunnies and the girls seemed to enjoy it. 

When we got home I got to work expanding the outdoor space for the Shar-peis. It's now more than double the size and they can do some real running, to the extent that their short legs and chubby bodies will allow anyway. I did a few other outdoor chores but came in around noon and had my first shower of the day. After a failed attempt to nap I went back outside and did some mowing, something I haven't done in weeks, due to lack of a working mower and then due to lack of growing grass. Something has been growing out there though, in certain areas at least, and there were some parts of the yard that needed mowing. 

Late in the afternoon we had a visit from Erika and a potential Dobie adopter. Jaro was the lucky one today and he's in a new home this evening. He is the shyest and the sweetest of the boys, of the whole litter really, so I'm very happy for him. Our total dog count dropped to 20. After Jaro went home we had a visit from two Danes, Maddie and Quinnie, for a little time running in the pasture. It was still too hot for big dogs, so they didn't stay long. 

I fed all the dogs and gave the puppies their third meal of the day, made dinner for us, and was then planning to take my second shower of the day, but Norman and Bailey still want some pasture time, which we will do when the sun goes down, so I might as well wait. 

Bailey trying to play with Della. 
They have played before but Della prefers a taller partner.

What Bailey lacks in height she can make up for in energy, however.

Della may not have wanted to play with her, but she was happy to walk with Bailey.

Left ear is mostly up, must have been a bunny sighting.

Maz was very proud of herself climbing into the chair.

Portly Porkins

A rare outdoor sighting of Lux, momma Pei.
I have to feed her inside, separately from the pups, to get her to eat.

Maz is the first one to come up for attention.

Inspecting the new space.

Cardinal flower in bloom in one of the ponds.

Jaro getting leashed up for his ride home.



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