Wednesday, July 24, 2024

New space and news story

I got word this morning that a reporter from a local television station (Channel 29 for the local folk) wanted to come out and do a story about the Green Dogs rescues from the Oklahoma puppy mill and featuring the Doberman pups in particular. 

I had started work early this morning so I took a break and went out and quickly mowed the dog yard. I had been wanting to try the dobie pups in the dog yard so they would have more space and it was certainly a bigger and greener spot for making videos and pictures. In addition to mowing I needed to secure some spots that those slender dobie pups might have been able to slither through. When I felt it was secure I moved all seven puppies over, by leash, one or two at a time, some of them kicking and screaming. However, once they got inside the dog yard they loved it and immediately kicked their play up a few notches, really running and stretching their legs and exploring all the new space. I wanted them to have at least an hour to run around before the reporter arrived to work off some of that crazy puppy energy.

He arrived and interviewed Erika and then me and then worked on getting video and pictures of the pups. He quickly discovered that puppies don't take direction, but he rolled with it, and with them. I think he had as good a time as they did. He also did a spot with the Shar-pei pups before cleaning himself up and heading back to town. I don't know when the spot is expected to air. 

The pups enjoyed the rest of the afternoon and evening in the dog yard. After eating dinner they all pretty much crashed. Clay and I got them back to Daneland by passing them over the fence and carrying them rather than go through the drama of the leash walking again. They need to learn that though and we'll try it again tomorrow. They were really ready for bed tonight and I think I am too.

Natural Doberman ears aren't normally in the up position, but Nala was running and they were flying.

They quickly discovered the water trough and made good use of it.

This was a high speed collision, but no one was hurt.

I'm happy that Playstation K-9 is going to get some use again. They mostly just played under the A-frames today, but I'm sure they will begin to get up on the rest of it soon enough.

Nala, chilling under one of the A-frames

Cara on the run, giving us a clear view of her distinguishing red collar.

Orson, plaid collar, really liked the water.

He was in no hurry to get out.

Della, watching the pups from the other side of the fence.

Della and Cosmo

Candace meeting one of the pups.

Look at this formation!

Grazing Doberman puppies. I feed them by scattering their food on the ground so they have to hunt and peck for it. It slows them down and eliminates potential fighting over food bowls. Everyone gets a more even opportunity at the food, if they are willing to look for it.

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