Saturday, July 3, 2021

Flowers over fireworks

We are bracing for an onslaught of noise for the next couple of nights. They have held off so far, which is surprising, but that just means they are saving them up for tonight and tomorrow. "They" are just a couple of our neighbors, but they are nearby. I can understand the attraction of colorful fireworks, but I cannot, do not, and will never understand the thrill they get from those that just explode and make a big noise. And of course it's the noise that scares the dogs, horses, wildlife, and some humans. I know I'll find the spent shells in our pasture, proving that they invaded our airspace - a tortious trespass of our property rights, but unfortunately, one of those wrongs without a remedy. 

My harangue against fireworks presents the perfect opportunity to share some recent garden pictures, providing all of the spectacular color of fireworks with the added benefits of being long lasting, and available for viewing during the daytime. My goal is always to make it a little better each year, and I think this year is a success by that standard.

1 comment:

Scott Rothe said...

Happy Birthday!

Think of the coming fireworks as celebrations for achieving another year. Or buy white-noise headphones for your pups.

Your gardening is glorious as always. I, on the other hand, am required by the court to go door to door to alert my neighbors that plants seem to die (or spontaneously combust) within 50 feet of my presence. After last year's shrubbery carnage in Phoenix, I am now shading young shrubs with lawn furniture. While all my plantings are identified as "desert native / full-sun", I may need to replace some with "lava-friendly" shrubs. If not for the Witness Protection Program (and air conditioning), Phoenix would still be the size of Salina.

Celebrate your day!

Scott Rothe