Saturday, July 31, 2021

Thrifty puppies

Clay and I went to town this afternoon. We hit four or five thrift stores looking for puppy stuff. I've got a big box full of stuffed toys and they enjoy them, but we were looking for different things to challenge them a bit and enrich their experiences while they were still confined indoors. 

It started off rather slow, not really finding what we were looking for, or thought we were looking for anyway. We got a couple more small blankets to use as bedding although we already had plenty. But eventually we found a few things, some for now, some for when they are little bigger. 

They are easy to please. Empty cardboard boxes can entertain them and I've got a couple of them ready for them as well. Oh, and I used a small shop vac in their space today to get them used to the noise so they won't fear the vacuum monster when they grow up.

They are too big to all eat from the same bowl, but they tried, ignoring an
identical second bowl. A few of them eventually caught on.

I think this is a baby bath tub. They can get in it if they try, or will be able to soon.
Tonight they mostly chewed on it.

They all come to investigate anything new; that's good and we really want to encourage that.

This is a little out in left field. It's a small ironing board frame, not exactly a typical
puppy toy. I set it up as a ramp at first. It's an unusual texture on their feet and
probably not entirely pleasant, but we want them to experience
and learn not to fear unusual surfaces.

I was happy to see this guy stand up and put his paws on it, 
but mostly they chewed on it.

This was probably the biggest hit today. It's a rectangular basket, about 4" deep.
Turned upside down they can easily climb on it. It's made of a woven fabric that
is pleasing to both their feet and their teeth. 

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