Monday, July 26, 2021

Leroy the helpful hound

We have had an electrician out here, intermittently, doing some work in and around the house. The main thing we've been needing is to have power run out to the puppy palace. We operated the lights, fans, and two air conditioners on very long extension cords when we had the puppies two years ago. Since then it has just been lights, but they are still dependent on extension cords and it just looks pretty low rent. 

I hope that he'll finish his work out there tomorrow, so I went out today and did some much needed cleanup. I took Leroy and Maya along so they would get some outdoor time and Della joined us as well. Serena thought we were crazy and she just wanted to go back in the house with Clay, Max, and Arby. 

Maya explored Daneland for a while and they laid outside the open door
of the shed where I was working.

Helping was rather boring so he spent some time "resting his eyes."

He's got a nice smile even if his teeth aren't perfect.

I got him to sit and he sort of offered me a paw. One thing we've learned is to not
try to lead him by holding his collar. Some asshole must have grabbed him by the collar
and abused the privilege. We need to discipline ourselves to always use a leash, even for 
putting him into his crate.

Della staked out a spot inside the shed and just watched.
Leroy moved around but usually managed to be in the way.

I'll admit that I am fascinated by his big paws. The Danes have big paws, of course,
but theirs appear on the end of long, slender legs. Leroy's legs are short and thick by comparison.

His indoor manners continue to impress me. No marking, and he will crate, reluctantly.

Max was with us inside all day today. It was just too miserable out there
for any creature with that much fur. (Arby is eating and feeling good.)

Leroy really wanted Maya to play with him. She's the most likely to of anyone we've got,
but she wasn't interested today.

Apparently you have to lift your head to get that full-throated sound, 
which is needed to really make your point.

1 comment:

Byron's Mom said...

Leroy is seriously ADORABLE! His cute howl!! Granted not so cute if it's at 2am but he's something special for sure:-)