Thursday, July 8, 2021


I used to post a lot of pictures of Maya and Trooper laying together. They were adorable together and Maya absolutely loved Trooper from the moment they met. She would often move in on Trooper's space and snuggle with him. Although it was always her idea to do so, not his, he tolerated it because that's just the kind of dog Trooper was. Trooper is gone now, of course, and we all miss him, but probably Maya misses him the most. Now we have a same sex couple for togetherness photos, but they are very similar to Maya and Trooper in many ways. 

Maya latched on to Trooper when they first met. Trooper was so good natured that he tolerated her affection even if it wasn't entirely reciprocated in quite the same way. Similarly, Della moved in here and decided on the spot that Serena was going to be her best friend and playmate in all manner of Dane games. She also decided that they would sleep together, closely, much like Della's puppies did all the time they were here. After all, closeness provides warmth and safety; nothing can happen that the other won't know about if you sleep close enough together. 

The desire for closeness is one-sided. Maya always moved in on Trooper, he never initiated the snuggle. Likewise, it's Della who moves in to be close to Serena, never the other way around. Like Trooper, Serena is very tolerant and good natured so she doesn't object to Della's desire for togetherness, even if it seems a bit excessive. Della will move into a crate that Serena is occupying and make herself a spot. Serena tolerates being shoved a bit and even crowded. The most she will ever do by way of objection is to get up and move.

These beds were perfect for these girls, they are large individually, 
but they combine into one very large bed.

There are two very large crates side by side. They are plenty big enough for one Dane,
but not really for two. 

Serena can fill a crate by herself. Della is slightly smaller than Serena,
but not enough smaller that crate sharing really makes sense.
Della doesn't care.

Clearly closeness is more important than comfort.
Or maybe closeness is comfort.

I completely understand where Della is coming from. I've resisted getting a king sized bed
for many years although Clay and I are both rather large. When we've been in one in 
a hotel, they seem too large and impersonal, the other person is too far away. 

1 comment:

Byron's Mom said...

Love seeing the relationship with these two girls! So precious!