Saturday, March 20, 2021

Della on the equinox

Happy Vernal Equinox everyone. Spring is here, the time has changed, days are longer than nights, at last. I guess this means it's time to finally need to take down the winter anti-gloom (Christmas) lights from the shed and magnolia tree, maybe tomorrow.

I worked most of today but got out for a good five mile hike late in the afternoon with Della. If you don't want to see a post with nothing but a whole bunch of pictures of Della you can stop now and scroll on by.

Did I lose anybody? I didn't think so. I am biased, but I think that Della can pull off a one-woman show all on her own. It was a beautiful day, perfect for hiking. We didn't start until after 4:00 p.m. so most people were gone and we had no direct encounters with anyone on the trails. I like that. Della likes people better than I do; I like to get out there and be on our own. I know it's not exactly wilderness territory, but when there's no one around one's imagination is free to roam.

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