Thursday, March 11, 2021

Walking with Maya

 I've been taking most dogs out to the pasture on most days for their exercise. Theo is on bed rest and Arby doesn't require much exercise; he barks when he wants out and he barks when he wants in, several times a day. That takes care of everyone except Maya so I've been walking with just Maya for the past several days. That's good for several reasons: 1. It's our special time alone; 2. There's lots of fair weather walkers, with and without dogs, at Pleasant Grove right now so it's nice to have just one dependable dog with me; and 3. We spot more deer when we walk alone and that makes Maya's day.

I must say that although we've encountered a few off-leash dogs lately, for the most part when the owners saw us they leashed up the dog and we had no problems. One day a dog came charging towards us but stopped about 20' away and laid down. It was a lab, however, and I've never encountered a lab that posed any real threat. The owner showed up, called his dog, who actually responded, leashed the dog and we went on our way. A couple minutes later, the same dog came running down the trail towards us again, trailing his leash that the owner had apparently dropped after we were out of sight. We kept going with the lab following us but when the owner called the lab turned around and went back in his direction. 

What bothers me more recently is humans who don't know basic rules of walking, namely that you should walk on the left side of the road, facing oncoming traffic. It's a safety thing. If you're facing oncoming traffic, you can see it and make sure to get out of the road. You are better protected from an erratic driver. If you're walking on the right side of the road, as you would drive, cars can come up on your side from behind you without you being aware of it. It's particularly dangerous for your dog as most people walk with the dog on their left, putting the dog out in the roadway. If you walk on the left side of the road, your dog is off the road and farther away from oncoming cars. It's not a big deal at Pleasant Grove with only one road and very little traffic, but it concerns me that people don't seem to know. I'll step down my from soap box now. But seriously, figure it out. 

Maya and I have had some good walks alone. She enjoys it, and I have less to be concerned about, although it does piss off Della if we go without her. 

This was a deer spotting, the only time Maya will leave the trail.

She didn't go crazy and try to drag me through the woods, however. 

I'm not sure how she decides when she wants to lead vs. bringing up the rear.

She's usually out front and I prefer that because I like to see her.

Today's walk was just a quick trip to Lowe's. 

I was tired and didn't feel like a hike, but I needed to get out of the house.

1 comment:

Byron's Mom said...

I'm sure Maya loves the one on one time with her Daddy! :-)