Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Not enough hours in the day

Even with the longer days, there's often no enough hours in the day at this time of year. I was looking around the yard today and realized that between the weeds and clumps of fescue, I now have mowable grass. I'm not thrilled by that realization because mowing is a huge time suck from now until late fall, depending on how much rain we get throughout the summer.

Anyway, I didn't have time to get out for a hike today but did manage to get out to the pasture after dinner with a few dogs for a short walkabout. Theo is still limping and Mowgli is on activity restriction due to his surgery yesterday. I don't take Maya or Arby to the pasture, so that just left Della, Serena, Max, and the foster pup, Kaya. That's barely critical mass for a pasture romp, but they made it work. 

Della ran with Serena and even with Kaya for a while. Max did his own thing. I walked to the lowest part of the pasture and then basically walked laps, slowly making my way back up the hill until I had walked a mile. It wasn't a lot, but it was better than nothing. Here's a few pictures.

Max and Serena

That's Kaya trying to figure out Max. All new dogs give it a try.

Kaya has given up on Max and is now trying to figure out the ball.

Great Dane play.

Kaya and Della

Serena on the run

1 comment:

Judy said...

I love that horizontal photo of the three dogs running across the pasture!