Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Small problem

Her name is Kaya. She was brought over here from the streets of Afghanistan as a puppy. She's still a puppy, about six months old now. But it seems that she's a little bitch and has been twice returned for being aggressive with other dogs over resources. It's never been an issue with people and she acts very puppy-like with other dogs generally, submissive and playful, except when it comes to valuable resources, e.g. food and toys. 

So she came here because we have the resources to deal with a little bitch, we have big bitches. I picked up Kaya from Green Dogs on Monday evening. She spent Tuesday in Daneland with Everest and they did a lot of running and playing, which was good for both of them. Reina was out there with them in the afternoon for a while as well. The only altercation I heard was after I did the second feeding, about 4:00 p.m. They started out fine, Kaya on her food and Everest at another feeder about six feet away. But Everest doesn't finish her food all at once, she ate for a while and then walked away. I walked away too but will still outside when I heard it. I had seen Kaya move over to Everest's bowl and that was fine, but when Everest tried to come back to it there was trouble. It was over before I could get there to really see what went down, but Kaya was away from the food bowl and keeping her distance while Everest was picking through the straw for pieces of food that had been spilled. That was a good result. 

Everest is probably the most tolerant of that behavior of anyone around here and she put Kaya in her place without difficulty. At six months of age that's exactly what she needs. She should have learned that lesson before now. I'll let the other girls have a go at her too and we'll see if we can fix this little dog's behavior before it becomes ingrained, but at the end of the day she might be best as the only dog in a home. She's very cute and she plays well with others. It only seems to be an issue with food and maybe toys.

Kaya is underneath this pile of Reina and Theo.

She and Everest started playing yesterday evening.

1 comment:

Byron's Mom said...

She's a cutie! She will learn a lot from your pack which is great!!