Sunday, March 7, 2021


Today's post would have been about Reina, but I'm bumping her up to another day because we got a new foster today, Mowgli. 

He's a five year old Bernese Mountain Dog, only the second we've had in foster care in over 20 years. He and another Berner in the same home weren't getting along any more. The human couple in the home had split up which always causes stress and turmoil that affects canines as well as humans. And the younger Berner was coming of age; his "puppy pass" had expired and Mowgli wasn't doing well with it all. Clay and I went to meet him this morning, liked what we saw, and Mowgli came home with us as our newest foster. 

Mowgli took an instant liking to Clay when we went to meet him. When we got home, Mowgli took an instant liking to Everest and has spent the afternoon running around Daneland with her. I am sure that they will both be very tired dogs tonight. 

We'll need a few days to get to know Mowgli but we like what we've seen so far. 

Mowgli getting checked over by Theo, Maya, and Everest.

Della weighing in with her opinion.

Mowgli and Everest hit it off immediately.

She liked the fact that he would chase her when she ran.

He's an intact five year old male though not for long.
He loved chasing after the pretty little husky.

Everest finally got the play companion she was wanting, even if he has different motivations.

1 comment:

KatieJ12 said...

Hi! My family is very interested in Mowgli! How could we get details on him and how to adopt this sweet pup!? Thanks!